“Wet sneakers and muddy clothes are prerequisites for understanding the water cycle.”

by David Sobel
Core Competencies

The Core Competencies are sets of intellectual, personal, and social emotional proficiencies that all students need in order to engage in deep, lifelong learning. These proficiencies are intentionally developed during GoingPLACES in order to help students engage in life-long, in-depth learning. 

Cross Curricular Connections
  • Experience and interpret the local environment
  • Apply First Peoples perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local knowledge as sources of information
  • Co-operatively design projects
  • Transfer and apply learning to new situations
  • Express and reflect on a variety of experiences and perspectives of place
  • Demonstrate leadership skills through collaborative activities in the school and community
  • Demonstrate safety skills in an experiential learning environment
  • Identify and describe preferred types of physical activity
  • Explore strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the school and community


After careful consideration of the road conditions and the safety of everyone involved, it has been decided to cancel our Open House this year.
Registration will still open on Monday, January 22 at 8:30am as scheduled. Registration forms are available to print in advance under the admissions tab on this site. Thank you for your support and patience!