Learning together to explore our place in God's story

Middle School
High School

We are Cascade Christian

As the 21st century continues to unfold our teaching staff is actively working to implement the most current teaching practices.  We equip our students with the ability to discern, discover, create, collaborate and problem solve so that they will be able to meaningfully and significantly contribute to their world.

At Cascade Christian School we use the BC Ministry of Education curriculum and present it through the lens of Biblical worldview. In addition to provincial learning outcomes, these courses are designed to teach students to think critically about their faith and to understand their beliefs in the context of the world in which they live.

As the 21st century continues to unfold our teaching staff is actively working to implement the most current teaching practices.  We equip our students with the ability to discern, discover, create, collaborate and problem solve so that they will be able to meaningfully and significantly contribute to their world.

At Cascade Christian School we use the BC Ministry of Education curriculum and present it through the lens of Biblical worldview. In addition to provincial learning outcomes, these courses are designed to teach students to think critically about their faith and to understand their beliefs in the context of the world in which they live.

Welcome to

Cascade Christian School

Interested in Enrollment?

A Christian Atmosphere

Focused on the Individual Child

A Christian atmosphere expressing itself in a lifestyle congruent with the beliefs of the evangelical community is promoted at the school. Our focus is on the individual child, and an atmosphere of respect and concern for self, others, and God is fostered. The school appoints teaching and support staff who model the Christian life. Teachers are trained to integrate teaching and faith.

Our Location


After careful consideration of the road conditions and the safety of everyone involved, it has been decided to cancel our Open House this year.
Registration will still open on Monday, January 22 at 8:30am as scheduled. Registration forms are available to print in advance under the admissions tab on this site. Thank you for your support and patience!