Cascade Christian School
45657 Yale Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N1
Phone: 604.793.7997

In collaboration with Regent Christian Online Academy (“RCOA”) we are able to offer a partnership program that provides a great option for many students going into grades 10-12.
Quick Facts:
Students are expected to attend 5 days/week from 8:20am-2:45pm (Wednesdays until 2:15pm). The daily schedule has some flexibility, however, chapel time, PHE and/or band (for those students taking PHE and/or band through Cascade) are fixed. PHE is required for all grade 10 students. The remainder of the time the students are free to schedule their day in such a way as they see fit in order to accomplish the required academic work (This area often receives input from the classroom facilitator to verify and monitor that effective use is made of the available time). To that end, there are expectations set out as to how an effective work culture is established and maintained: Daily/Weekly/Monthly goals are discussed, as well as individual pacing and when milestones in coursework should be achieved.
An ability to work independently is expected and the facilitator works to maintain a classroom environment that is conducive to this without being unnecessarily restrictive. It is expected that all current year course work is completed by June 15th each year. If this is not possible then a different format for high school study should be considered.
Please contact the office at if you are interested in learning more about our high school program. Students would first need to be considered by Cascade Christian School by completing our Information Forms before applying to the RCOA. Students in grades 10-12 are enrolled in the Regent Christian Online Academy partnership program with Cascade Christian School. As part of this enrollment, there is a tuition fee of $200 per student payable to RCOA upon application to the program.
Cascade Christian School
45657 Yale Road
Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N1
Phone: 604.793.7997